Shanghai Huijue Network Communication Equipment Co., Ltd
A major breakthrough, Sino-German cooperation has made great progress in optical quantum chips
column:industry news Release time:2022-03-31

China has already made significant progress in optical quantum chip technology. Recently, it has been reported that the Chinese R&D team has cooperated with German experts to further accelerate the development of optical quantum chips, and has achieved many world firsts. Optical quantum chips are approaching, which will be of great significance to the current situation. It has an important impact on the global chip industry.

According to the well-known media, China’s leading R&D team in the research and development of optical quantum chips – Academician Guo Guangcan’s team from the University of Science and Technology of China has recently made significant progress in optical quantum chip technology. Cooperation in further research and development of optical quantum chip technology, and recently achieved a number of world’s first technological breakthroughs.

The first is to realize the preparation of four-photon source based on silicon-based photonic integrated chip; the second is to realize the preparation of frequency-merging four-photon entanglement source; the third is to realize the quantum logic gate operation and ultra-compact quantum logic gate operation of waveguide mode encoding. These are the first time in optical quantum chip technology, laying the foundation for the realization of quantum chips.

Academician Guo Guangcan’s team has already made many academic achievements in the research and development of optical quantum chips, which has promoted the rapid development of optical quantum chip technology. However, they have not neglected international cooperation. Through cooperation with the famous German professor Mario Krenn, they have learned from each other’s strengths and shared China’s and Germany’s resources in optical quantum chip technology, thus accelerating the development of this technology.


This approach is actually a very appropriate approach. After all, the development of science and technology is not just something that can be completely handled by one person, a team, or even a country. Every country has its own leading technological advantages, which can be promoted by strengthening international cooperation. The early realization of optical quantum chips can also promote the application of these technologies faster. Obviously, this is completely different from the United States’ intention to monopolize the pinnacle of technology, which is more beneficial to the development of technology.

The typical example in this regard is 4G technology. At that time, the United States intended to continue the monopoly advantage of 3G technology. The two technology giants in the United States proposed their own 4G technology. The industry stepped in and launched wimax technology based on WiFi technology. The result of the disagreement among American companies was that they all failed.


In the 3G era, China and Europe suffered a lot due to Qualcomm’s CDMA patent hegemony, so they jointly proposed LTE technology, which bypassed Qualcomm’s CDMA technology. Later results proved that UMB has major flaws, and Intel and Qualcomm have no common interests. Instead of supporting wimax, it supports TD-LTE, which has a closer interest relationship with it, and finally 4G technology is unified as LTE.

The optical quantum chip technology promoted by China has achieved a leading edge, but in the process of commercialization, only by uniting the forces of many industries around the world can the development be accelerated. This time, Germany was chosen again in Europe, so that China-EU cooperation is expected to once again break the United States in the chip technology industry. monopoly.

The current silicon-based chip technology is dominated by the United States. The United States has formed a complete ecology from silicon-based chip materials, EDA tools, chip equipment, and chip standards. As a result, Europe has fallen from nearly 30% of the global chip market in the early years to today. In order to revive the chip industry, the European Union signed a 45 billion euro chip industry plan at the end of 2022, hoping to obtain a 20% share of the global chip market by 2030.


Chinese chips have been restricted by the United States in recent years. For this reason, China has developed its own chip industry in many ways. Optical quantum chip technology is an important opportunity for China to change the global chip industry. It has more common interests with Europe. The cooperation between the two parties can be described as a matter of course.