Shanghai Huijue Network Communication Equipment Co., Ltd
Chinese chip accelerates new chip technology, completely bypasses EUV lithography machine, ASML may regret it
column:industry news Release time:2022-03-31

ASML is restricted from selling EUV lithography machines to China, which has become a pain in the heart of the development of China’s chip industry. However, as China accelerates the development of new chip technology, this will soon become a thing of the past. A few days ago, it was reported that China and Germany jointly developed photon A major breakthrough in chip technology has laid the groundwork for its commercialization.

China is at the forefront of the world in optical quantum chip technology. A few days ago, China’s leading research and development team in the development of optical quantum chips – the team of Academician Guo Guangcan of the University of Science and Technology of China and Professor Mario Krenn of the Max Planck Institute of Optical Science in Germany have further developed optical quantum chip technology. , and recently achieved three world-first technological breakthroughs.

The first is to realize the preparation of four-photon source based on silicon-based photonic integrated chip; the second is to realize the preparation of frequency-merging four-photon entanglement source; the third is to realize the quantum logic gate operation and ultra-compact quantum logic gate operation of waveguide mode encoding. These are the first time in optical quantum chip technology, laying the foundation for the realization of quantum chips.

In fact, relevant production lines have already started to be built in China. A company in Beijing will promote a photonic chip production line this year, and Hefei Benyuan is promoting a quantum chip production line. These are the world’s first advanced chip production lines that are planned to be put into mass production. Rapid advances in chip technology.

The performance of optical quantum chips is 1,000 times higher than the current silicon-based chip technology, but the power consumption is only one-thousandth of the latter. Its outstanding performance has attracted the global chip industry to promote research and development. Industry leaders have collaborated to further accelerate the commercialization of this technology.


Research and development of new chip technology has become a forward-looking technology for the current global chip industry, because the current silicon-based chips are gradually approaching its limit. The industry expects that 1 nanometer will be the limit of silicon-based chips, and TSMC expects to mass produce 2 nanometers by 2024. Nano, silicon-based chip technology is reaching the end of it.

There is also the cost issue that affects the further development of silicon-based chips. TSMC’s 3-nanometer process is too expensive, so far only Apple plans to adopt it. Pro processors, but in the end they all adopt the 5nm process, because the cost of the 3nm process is too high, which prompts the chip industry to accelerate the development of new chip technology.

China’s research and development of new chip technology is to break the current silicon-based chip technology system dominated by the United States. The United States holds silicon-based chip materials and EDA tools. The core production equipment of silicon-based chips-lithography machines use many American technologies. For this reason, ASML, the world’s largest lithography machine company, has to obey the request of the United States. ASML has so far failed to sell EUV lithography machines to China, which has become a major obstacle to the development of China’s chip technology.

Under such circumstances, China can bypass the limitations of EUV lithography machines by developing optical quantum chips and open up its own new path. The promotion of mass production of optical quantum chips undoubtedly represents that China is gradually approaching mass production in advanced chip technology, and the dawn has already appeared. In fact, the United States is also promoting new chip technology. The American wafer factory SkyWater can produce 90-nanometer chips by adding carbon nanotubes to the chips, but the performance is 50 times higher than that of 7-nanometer silicon-based chips.


With the global progress in advanced chip technology, the lithography machine system controlled by ASML will also be abandoned. At that time, ASML will have nowhere to cry. ASML’s main business is lithography machines. Without the demand, ASML will return to the pre-2005 predicament where it was difficult to survive.