Shanghai Huijue Network Communication Equipment Co., Ltd
Chinese communication equipment manufacturers have stabilized their performance and made a good start in 2023. Foreign media: can’t stop
column:industry news Release time:2022-03-31

Recently, a number of media reported that the Chinese communication equipment giant has reached a cooperation with Turkmenistan, a Central Asian country, and will provide the latter with communication equipment. This Chinese communication equipment manufacturer has made a good start in 2023, and the cold winter is passing.

Due to well-known reasons, this Chinese technology company has been hit continuously since 2020, especially its mobile phone business. The department has fallen by more than 80%, which can be described as tragic.

After the mobile phone business suffered a severe setback, this technology giant began to shift its focus to communication equipment and enterprise business, and developed many new businesses at the same time, establishing more than a dozen legions. Among them, the automobile business is undoubtedly the most outstanding in the past two years. With its efforts, the monthly sales volume of automobiles has exceeded 10,000, becoming a rising star in the new energy automobile market.

Under the circumstances that many businesses have achieved some results, in 2022 it successfully reversed the trend of revenue decline, and its revenue in 2022 even increased by 100 million yuan compared with 2021. The industry has praised this company for breaking through the haze. Spring is about to usher in, and now it is undoubtedly a good start to win a big order in 2023.

The communication equipment business is still its largest source of income. Opening up the market in Central Asia represents its high recognition in overseas markets. As long as the communication equipment business is stable, it will be able to obtain a steady stream of income, which can provide support for its technology research and development. A steady stream of ammunition, strengthen the research and development of chip technology, and finally realize the return of the king of the mobile phone business.


In the past few years, although this Chinese technology giant has been hit hard, it continues to insist on technology research and development. The annual investment in technology research and development exceeds 100 billion yuan, and the research and development investment in 2022 will reach 140 billion yuan, accounting for The proportion of revenue exceeds 20%, and such investment in technology research and development is quite rare among global companies.

Relying on continuous R&D investment, this Chinese technology giant has achieved many achievements in chip technology. Based on existing carbon-based chips, it has developed technologies such as chip stacking, and strives to achieve mass production of mobile phone chips with domestic chip manufacturing processes. The industry It is generally expected that it will soon be able to mass-produce mobile phone chips with domestic technology and realize the return of 5G mobile phones.

In addition, this technology giant is still developing quantum chips, graphene technology, etc. These new chip technologies are expected to bypass ASML’s lithography machine and completely subvert the current carbon-based chip technology. This aspect is particularly frightening for the European and American chip industries. After all, once carbon-based chips become a backward technology, the chip technology system dominated by Europe and the United States will collapse.

In fact, the Japanese media recently disassembled the 5G small base station of this technology giant and found that the third largest semiconductor material has been used. Entering the advanced ranks, it can be expected that it will develop more chips and produce more advanced chips with domestic chip manufacturing processes.


It is precisely based on the achievements of this Chinese technology giant that foreign media believe that the United States can no longer stop its progress. It is constantly breaking the restrictions of the United States and replacing American chips with more advanced chip technology. Domestic mobile phones and 5G base stations will be the time when the real king returns.