Shanghai Huijue Network Communication Equipment Co., Ltd
The benefits of installing photovoltaics
column:industry news Release time:2022-04-23

Under the background of “dual carbon”, according to the National Energy Administration, the first batch of large-scale wind power photovoltaic bases have all started construction, and the second and third batches of base projects have been promoted one after another.

From the perspective of the peak-to-valley electricity price difference, the agency power purchase prices of power grid companies announced by various regions in January 2023 show that Shanghai, Henan, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Sichuan and other places have started to implement peak electricity prices, and the peak-to-valley electricity price difference has increased compared with the previous month. Significantly increased, there are 10 provinces and cities where the peak-to-valley electricity price difference exceeds 1 yuan/kWh. Among them, under the 1.5 times electricity price mode in Shanghai, the peak-to-valley electricity price difference reaches as high as 1.88 yuan/kWh, and the peak-to-valley electricity price difference in the ordinary agency power purchase mode is also as high as 1.573 yuan/kWh. As the main source of profit for photovoltaics and energy storage, the widening of the peak-to-valley power price gap means that many local power stations have achieved substantial growth in revenue compared with the past.

In addition to making money, photovoltaic power generation has other functions, such as heat insulation and waterproof. Household installation of photovoltaic greenhouses, photovoltaic sunshine rooms, etc., all rely on the design of heat insulation and waterproof functions, and realize the benefits of killing multiple birds with one stone. Installing a photovoltaic power station on the roof of the factory building has a very obvious effect of heat insulation and waterproofing, especially when installing a photovoltaic power station on the roof of the color steel tile.

The distributed photovoltaic power station builds a thermal insulation layer for the roof of the enterprise, which improves the thermal insulation of the roof, increases the air circulation in the middle and reduces direct sunlight, which not only reduces energy consumption, but also reduces the internal temperature of the factory and improves The working environment of workers reduces the cost of cooling in summer and becomes the choice of more and more enterprises.

As the trend of global warming becomes more and more obvious, countries all over the world have set the goal of “carbon neutrality” and vigorously promoted low-carbon emission reduction. In this context, some developed countries are launching carbon tariff policies in full swing. (Carbon tariffs generally refer to countries or regions that strictly implement carbon emission reduction policies and impose additional carbon dioxide emission taxes on imported high-carbon emission products.)

On December 13, 2022, the European Council and the European Parliament reached an agreement to determine that the EU carbon tariff will start trial operation in October 2023. The regulations will initially apply to products such as cement, steel, aluminium, fertilizers, electricity and hydrogen. The policy will be gradually implemented in the future, and eventually all companies will be required to purchase carbon credits when importing related products.

At present, the price of carbon credits in Europe is also rising under the energy crisis. Since the beginning of this year, the transaction price has basically fluctuated around 80 euros/ton (552 yuan/ton). According to the 2021 Climate Action Report released by Baosteel, the world’s leading iron and steel industry leader, in the middle of this year, the company is expected to be levied a carbon border tax of 40-80 million euros per year based on a tax of 80 euros per ton of carbon dioxide. (equivalent to 29658.8~59317.6 RMB a year).

Increasing the use of renewable energy such as wind power and photovoltaic power generation in the production process, participating in green power transactions, and implementing technological emission reductions are good ways for high-carbon emission companies to reduce carbon emissions and meet the challenges of future carbon tariffs.

Taking a 1MW industrial and commercial photovoltaic power station as an example, assuming that the annual power generation is 1.2 million kWh, it can save about 393.6 tons of standard coal and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by about 1196.4 tons per year, helping enterprises achieve low-carbon emission targets and effectively reduce carbon emissions. tariff.