Shanghai Huijue Network Communication Equipment Co., Ltd
The United States has taken the lead in 6G, and it is difficult for China to catch up? Experts say not necessarily
column:News, industry news Release time:2022-03-31

The failure of 5G technology has led the United States to step up 6G research and development, and even win over the 6G alliance. However, the most important thing for the United States is satellite communication technology. Relying on the Starlink, which has a first-mover advantage in the United States, the United States has achieved 6G technology. lead, so does China really have no lead?

The advantage of the United States in 6G technology is undoubtedly Starlink. The United States has launched more than 3,200 Starlink satellites, and it is expected to eventually launch 42,000 Starlink satellites, which will occupy low-orbit resources. Super is not easy, in satellite communication technology, the United States has taken the lead.

In terms of 6G patents, China relies on the first-mover advantage and the accumulation of 5G technology to occupy a 40% share of 6G patents. It is even said that China’s 6G patent applications will further explode in 2022, and it has achieved nearly 50% of the share. It can be seen that In terms of 6G ground communication technology, China has further consolidated its leading edge.

The United States occupies 35% of 6G terrestrial communications patents. Seeing that it can no longer catch up with China in terms of patents, the United States has wooed economies such as Japan and South Korea to form a 6G alliance. Through the alliance, it will enhance its patent advantages and form a situation to compete with China. As a result, the United States In fact, the alliance has formed a two-power structure with China in terms of 6G patents.

Musk’s SpaceX is accelerating rocket launch technology, and has recently tested a dual-rocket recovery test. It can be seen that SpaceX will further accelerate the launch of Starlink satellites and accelerate the completion of its 42,000 Starlink satellite program. Satellite communications, then the United States has firmly taken the lead in 6G technology.


So is China really unable to catch up with the United States in 6G technology? In fact, China’s leading advantage in ground mobile communication technology is already unshakable. Relying on the advantages brought by 5G technology, China is further accelerating the research and development of 6G technology. Considering the evolution of mobile communication technology, 5G technology will also continue to 6G.

At present, China’s communication equipment manufacturers are promoting 5.5G mobile communication technology. The high-frequency frequency band tested, such as 100GHz large-scale antenna technology, can be applied to 6G. It can be said that in terms of 6G ground communication technology, the United States can no longer shake China’s position. However, what China needs to catch up with is mainly satellite communication technology.

In terms of satellite communication technology, China’s Beidou already has a certain high-orbit satellite communication capability. As for low-orbit satellite communication, China already has the Hongyan constellation. Now there are still more than seven years until 2030 for commercial 6G. Such a long time is enough China is catching up with the United States in satellite communication technology.


Besides, whether the Starlink project can be realized in the end is still a problem. Just like the Star Wars plan launched by the United States in the past, it turned out to be mostly illusory. The Starlink project has launched 3,200 satellites, which has been developed for several years. According to With such progress, wouldn’t it take 30 years to launch 42,000 satellites? During this period, the satellites that have been launched into the sky will still be damaged and damaged by the solar wind, so there are doubts about whether Starlink can finally reach the predetermined scale.

Satellite communication also has disadvantages. On the one hand, satellite signals are easily blocked, and ceilings, trees, tunnels, etc. cannot receive satellite signals; on the other hand, satellite communication consumes too much power. Today’s 5G will be complained by consumers The power consumption is too large, let alone Starlink communication; there is also the cost issue. The service price of Starlink is nearly 100 US dollars, and the terminal equipment of Starlink is also very expensive. The 1,300 sets of Starlink equipment accepted by Ukraine are said to be worth 1 One hundred million U.S. dollars.

The last problem of Starlink communication is capacity. Even if the number of Starlink satellites reaches 42,000, this is still far behind the millions of base stations for ground mobile communications. It can be seen that 42,000 Starlink satellites can How much capacity is provided? The Iridium project launched by the United States at that time proposed to replace ground mobile communications with satellite communications, but in the end it was found that the capacity it could provide was extremely limited. Today, the number of satellites in Starlink has expanded by 1,000 times, but the problem of limited capacity is still unavoidable.


It is based on these facts that well-known domestic academicians said that China will continue to maintain its leading edge in 6G technology. The United States intends to use Starlink satellite communications to overtake 6G technology. There is not much chance. After all, 6G technology is a service for mass consumers. , and the Internet of Things with tens of billions of connections requires huge capacity. After all, satellite communication is a supplement to 6G, and ground mobile communication is the foundation of 6G. China can use its existing technological advantages to speed up catching up in satellite communication technology. up.